The Hoani Waititi Way

Kapa Haka
At Hoani Waititi Marae, we foster a sense of belonging through Kapa Haka.

Nga Tumanako
Ngā Tūmanako was establish to continue and fulfill the aspirations of our past community leaders who worked tirelessly to foster the Māori culture and language on Hoani Waititi Marae.
Our foundation members and leaders are graduates of Kōhanga reo, Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi. Kōhanga Reo and Kura Kaupapa Māori a Māori language immersion educational pathway established to ensure the survival of the Māori language and culture through from primary to secondary.

Te Roopu Manutaki
Te Roopū Manutaki was created by Dr. Pita Sharples in 1968 in the suburb of Te Atatū in the heart of west Auckland, a destination for many Māori whānau during the urban drift period, many of whom were proactive in creating Māori initiatives within the community.
Manutaki is based at Hoani Waititi Marae and has been associated with the Marae since inception in 1980, assisting with marae activities along with Te Rautahi, Ngā Tūmanako as well as kapahaka groups from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori and Te Wharekura o Hoani Waititi.

Te Rautahi
TE RAUTAHI MAROI CULTURE GROUP was formed in 1984 by Mavis Niniurangi Tuoro after a call from the parents and older siblings of the Henderson High School haka group to start a senior group so they could learn alongside them. The group is based out at Hoani Waititi Marae with weekly practices and Wananga being held throughout the year. The key values of our roopu are Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga and Aroha.
Naumai haeremai ki te Rautahi contact us on

Te Kapa Puāwai
The combined primary, intermediate and secondary kura now boasts two champion teams, with Te Kapa Puāwai joining their tuakana (senior) group, Te Wharekura o Hoani Waititi, who won their national competition last year as current title holders.
Te Kapa Puāwai of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae are Te Mana Kuratahi national primary school kapa haka champions for 2023, making them the first group to win the title an unprecedented four times.
Our Services
Whanau are at the heart of our services.

*Image credit : Te Manawa Taki DHB Boards and Governance
Aspirations of our Whanau to live well, live longer and thrive...all in one word cloud.
Patua Te Ngangara
Patua te Ngangara (PTN) is an initiative of Hoani Waititi Marae. It aims to help whanau who are dealing with the effects of meth/P.
Patua te Ngangara loosely translates as ‘battle with the devil’ – ‘P’ meth,crank, burn, ice. Rather than being recognised as anti P we are a pro whanau initiative. Nau te rourou, naku te rourou ka ora te iwi. If you and I both contribute there will be enough for all.
Whanau Ora
Whānau Ora puts whānau and families in control of the services they need to work together, build on their strengths and achieve their aspirations. It recognises the collective strength and capability of whānau to achieve better outcomes in areas such as health, education, housing, employment and income levels.

Te Whanau Awhina
Te Whanau Awhina involves the voluntary participation of the victim of the crime and the offender and whanau of the Marae, in discussions. The goal is to “restore” the relationship, fix the damage that has been done and prevent further crimes from occurring.

Tā Mason Durie reflects on advances in Māori Health over the past four decades
In 1984, the Hui Whakaoranga was held to discuss issues in Māori health and at Hoani Waititi Marae, 40 years later to the day and at the same location, Emeritus Professor Sir Mason Durie presented his views on what the future holds.